Thursday, August 12, 2021

I Didn't Watch The Olympics

Volleyball match at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

So yeah, I didn't watch a single event from the Tokyo Olympics. I just wasn't pumped to watch the games like I used to. I knew it was gonna be a subdued event due to Corona running rampant in Japan so there was no fans in the stands. Another reason I didn't watch is because of the time difference. The events were starting in the middle of the night for me and I'm like "Fuck That". I barely paid attention to the reports and medal counts because I just didn't care. And I wasn't alone. NBC got record low ratings from these Olympics even though Peacock got record streaming numbers with people watching 5.5 billion minutes of content.

Big crash in track cycling event at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Some events had fans like cycling track.
I'm aware that we earned the most Golds and medals overall. I know that baseball and softball returned which were both won by Japan over USA. But Eddy Alvarez became the 6th athlete to medal in the Summer (Silver 2020 Tokyo Baseball) and Winter (Silver 2014 Sochi 5000M Relay Short Track Speed Skating) Olympics so good for him.

Eddy Alvarez making a play at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics for Team USA in baseball.
Check out his interview on the Olympics website here.

The men's basketball team lost to France in pool play and everyone lost their shit. I thought they was eliminated from the tournament so I went about my day. They ended up winning Gold in their rematch, as well as the women's 5x5 and 3x3 teams (The men's 3x3 team didn't qualify because FIBA made rules that keeps countries from qualifying in all four basketball events and instead promote their own, mainly European, tournaments to bolster participation of smaller countries that don't have the resources for competitive 5x5 teams). While in soccer, the men's team didn't even qualify for the Olympics while the women's team lost to Canada 1-0 in the semifinal then won Bronze against Australia in the third place game.

Team USA women's soccer player walks off field after loss to Canada at Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
How do you lose to Canada in SOCCER?!?!

Other shit happened like a Ugandan weightlifter going missing before being found four days later and sent home only to be arrested by the local police. A Belarusian sprinter feared for her life when her country's officials tried to force her on a plane ride back home. Your typical political demonstrations, online trolling, cheating, etc controversies happened as well. And even Barbie pissed off people by not having a Asian doll in their Tokyo 2020 Olympics line.

Special Tokyo Olympics Barbie dolls.
According to Mattel, the pale doll was supposed to be Asian but since everyone has the same eyes, people missed that and went straight to bitching about a product they had no intention of buying in the first place.

But the headliner of these Olympics was all the dick riding of Simone Biles. Everyone was calling her the GOAT so much, she believed in the hype and had a actual goat head designed onto her leotard! Apparently, the pressure got too much for her and she backed out of the events claiming "mental health" issues. So the media called her "brave" cause they thought she was suicidal. Then she said she has the "twisties" which is like the gymnast version of the yips where she's incapable of doing moves like she used to. While the stans are slobbing all over her, her critics just have to get excessive when talking about her. They say she's an embarrassment to the country, she failed her teammates and one guy even called her a "selfish sociopath"! Like seriously, you're all in your feelings this much over a gymnast quitting? Of course, that meant the white knights rushed in to protect their queen and felicitate her some more.

Simone Biles before her routine at the Tokyo Olympics
I blame non sports fans for whoring out the term GOAT, passing it out to any random person they like regardless if the person is retired, still active and/or in the middle of his or her career.

Personally, I feel she's full of shit. She's getting this huge ego boost from the media and other people who only care about gymnastics during the Olympics so much so, she has a goddamn goat on her uniform. Then either the pressure got to her and/or her skills regressed suddenly and she's not hitting her marks like she used to. Instead of accepting that her prime may be past her, she makes up this mental health bullshit excuse that's a popular crutch nowadays to explain away her poor performance so she can get sympathy from non sports fans. (Her mental health however didn't stop her from getting into a Twitter fight over abortion with a follower.)

And let's be real, gymnastics is for non sports fans who want to talk about sports. They're the people who show up to your Super Bowl party who are only there for the commercials and halftime show. For the majority of the year, they're keeping up with the Kardashians and watching ratchet housewives argue with each other. But for big sporting events like the Super Bowl or Olympics, in come these nitwits infiltrating sports talk and bugging actual sports fans. Maybe I will care more about the Beijing Winter Olympics next year since I watched the Summer one in 08 but I wouldn't count on it. Like the X-Games, the Olympics lost it's luster to me.

Mike Varga at X Games for BMX event.
Look at how the mighty have fallen. X Games went from the Rose Bowl to someone's backyard.

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